
Monday, May 26, 2014

CKC sew a long day ONE

Before we get started I wanted to share this picture that Kristen Nelson posted (the designer of the Jeffrey Summer Jumper - she will be sewing a long with us also!!!) as to where the inspiration for the Jeffrey Jumper comes from. Thank you so much for your pattern Kristen, its sweet to know it has such personal meaning :)

So today is the start of our sew along! Im so excited to host one from my blog. Especially with CKC!  So before we get started, did you pick your fabric yet? If you have not picked just yet the ckc blog has a great post HERE on how to that! So go read that and come back. No really, Ill wait.

OKAY! lol You're back! Now, here are the fabrics that I chose! Cute right? Fun spring colors and cute whales :) SQUEAL!

So now you need to assemble your pattern pieces. It pretty simple and straight forward. The Jeffrey is the only one with pattern pieces (the Tegan gives measurements) and there are only two pages. Line up the spots for A on both pages and the spots for B on both pages, tape, and cut!

And from those pieces (and the other pieces the pattern calls for) you should have all these! Well these plus more lol my sick kids have slowed me down and Tegan isint cut out yet lol, but will be soon! Now, get yours ready and meet me back here tomorrow to start sewing!

Until then, CLICK HERE to see a post from the Jeffrey romper designer about how to add snaps instead of buttons in case you're interested!

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