
Sunday, August 24, 2014

How to create rolled hems with a serger

I know this has been addresed over and over again, but I still see people asking all the time and it wont hurt to have one more persons method out there so here it is... MY ROLLED HEM RECIPE!

These are my settings. You dont need to see the setting for the left needle since you will remove it, and dont forget to take that stitch finger out as well! And on the side all my settings are set to R!

And just like that this is what my rolled hems look like. Way less scary than it seems, I promise! I also always see a lot of people asking how to finish a rolled hem of things like the leg of shorts. What I do is simply clip the tail, serge over an inch or two past where i started, clip that tail, and dab some fray check on it. Thats it! I hope that makes it a little easier for you guys and I have included a video HERE that I made just in case you are more visual! Good luck!

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