
Monday, December 1, 2014

I really must start blogging more lol

So I know I always say this, but I MUST start blogging more lol. In all reality, I think I want to get away from selling boutique clothing for a while. I have too much other stuff going on in my life right now, and I feel like I am always trying to sneak away. To sneak away when my husband isint paying attention and package orders, to sneak away when my kids are playing to cut out fabric, to get them to nap time early and get upstairs to work on orders. I feel like I am stretched TOO FAR and too thin. Four kids is a lot! Not saying I dont love having four, I do... BUT I want to spend time with them. So I am thinking maybe less time sewing for money and more time loving on them and sewing for them is what I need. So I think think this time you really will see more of me here lol. Its time to do something for ME.

Now, moving on.... I recently got my first DSLR! I am thrilled and I love it sooo much! I am already asking santa for a 50mm 1.8 lens lol. Just what I needed, another expensive hobby haha. But I have spent tons of time online reading and trying to learn to use the camera. There is so much to learn about manual shooting (bc I refuse to use the auto settings, there's no point in having one if I am gonna do that :P) But in short, I will leave you with a few pics from my new camera, and a promise to be more blog active - FOR REAL this time haha!

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